The Red Mud Review

Student-Run Literary Journal

Tell your story: Our mission is to represent new and unheard voices around Tennessee.

Submissions are currently closed

Welcome artist and writers!

We look forward to immersing ourselves in your unique and inspiring submissions. We hope to experience new artists/authors as well as seasoned artist's/authors work. The journal accepts Poetry, Fiction, Non-Fiction, and Art by students currently enrolled at APSU or who are writing in the Tennessee region (and beyond). The Red Mud Review is a student-organized literary magazine published by Austin Peay State University. As the editors of The Red Mud Review, our focus is to provide a platform for new and established creators, and we especially encourage any students to submit their work.

Meet our Editors

  • Oliver Cates, Editor

  • Katherine Lehtola, Editor

  • Skel Pewitt, Editor